Thursday, November 12, 2009


The hardest thing I have to accept is how often my daughter with all the disabilities gets in trouble because of bad medical care. This week, thanks to one of her home staff alerting me, I was able to straighten out a medication mess that would have had extremely serious health consequences for her if it had not been caught early. It happened because a doctor didn't know much about her, I didn't know she even had an appointment with that doctor because her home staff is new and didn't let me know, and because the doctor didn't use common sense.

She was losing weight; the neurologist thought it was because of her seizure meds, and put her on an anti-psychotic drug to boost her appetite. What's true is that she has terrible reactions to any drugs but especially psychotropics and she's takes medication for thyroid problems. Of course, the weight loss was because she was getting too much thyroid medication - common sense, right.

So, she's off the anti-psychotic and we've discontinued the thyroid medication until December. The thing is, I can't seem to figure out how to prevent these mistakes. She's been very near death several times due to medication issues. I need to accept that one of these days she may die before I find out what's going on and very likely will die soon once I've left the planet. Or not. But I would be a lot less agitated if I just accepted that I'm powerless.

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