Friday, July 03, 2009


Here's the entrance to Spirit Bank - locally owned bank where Ron and I had accounts for years and years. Ron had his office in this building for most of the time he was in private practice. He said his clients who were under the illusion that no one knew they were drunks or addicts loved it that his offices were in a bank building. Our CPA is also in this building and I have my accounts here too. Yesterday I got my 2008 tax information to the CPA's office. I think the only year that I met the April 15 deadline was the first year after the wreck, and I managed that because I had all the books in good shape through August. The other two years I made it by October 15. By that standard I was early this year. This building holds so many memories for me. I worked with Ron here. I came to get him after work a lot. We spent hours here - days, nights, weekends - people who are addicted need help at odd times. And they are all good memories.
"Greeting life with joy alters every experience for us and for those we share it with." Each Day a New Beginning.

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